600_coverCraig’s debut novel, 600 Hours of Edward, is a 2009 Montana Honor Book and the 2010 High Plains Book Award winner for best first book.

From the back cover:

Edward Stanton is a man hurtling headlong toward middle age. His mental illness has led him to be sequestered in a small house in a small city, where he keeps his distance from the outside world and the parents from whom he is largely estranged.

For the most part, Edward sticks to things he can count on … and things he can count. But over the course of 25 days (or 600 hours, as Edward prefers to look at it) several events puncture the walls Edward has built around himself.

In the end, he faces a choice: Open his life to experience and deal with the joy and heartaches that come with it, or remain behind his closed door, a solitary soul.

Book details

Publisher: Riverbend Publishing (866-787-2363 for purchases)

Format: Trade paperback (5.5 x 8.5)

Pages: 280

ISBN: 160639013-9

ISBN-13: 9781606390139

Retail price: $14

Where you can find it: Your local bookseller (either in stock or available by order), Amazon.com or directly through Riverbend.


His second novel, The Summer Son, was released January 25th, 2011, by AmazonEncore.

About the book:

Mitch Quillen is in trouble.

His marriage is a wreck. His career is sliding sideways. And his estranged father, Jim, just called his house … and said nothing. Then called again and again.

Compelled by his wife to go to his father, Mitch embarks on a journey not only in the present, through his own tangled life, but also through his memories, to a summer nearly thirty years gone that continues to haunt him, to the time and place to which he traces a lifetime of losses.

The Summer Son is an examination of two lives and the secrets they hold, and the power those secrets possess over two men who are separated by a generation and their own history. But it’s more than that: It’s about the things we see, and the ones right in front of us that we miss.

Book details

Publisher: AmazonEncore

Format: Trade paperback

Retail price: $13.95 (now available in paperback and Kindle formats).